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都市變奏 No.1
Urban Variations No.1

Justice Centre Choice Award
Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize 2021



Digital Ink on rice paper, ink, acrylic, dynamic projection

190 x 70 x 3 cm

錨點 1 Urban Variations No.1

翻天覆地的變化每天改變著我們的生活,你還認得這個我們共同成長的城市嗎?在中國傳統水墨的自由轉變和現代數碼藝術之間的理性構成之間,我們該如何展現其脈絡和傳承? 水墨藝術可表現出精細的技法和細節,而新媒體則給予作品發生改變的自由。《都市變奏 No.1》乃最新的水墨實驗系列之一,作品經過手繪、數碼化、再回歸手繪三重處理,最後加上動態投影效果。先以傳統的水墨進行抽象創作,以此作為基本進行電腦幾何化加工及數碼創作,再將成品以手繪細化,期望可以將傳統手繪及數碼創作的界線模糊,創造出一種獨有的當代水墨觀。






Do you still recognize this city where we grew up together? Ink art expresses the essence of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy, showing us fine techniques and details, while new media expand the infinite possibilities of art. ”Urban Variations No.1” is one of the latest series of ink experiments. Using traditional skill for abstract creation, then use this as the base for computer geometric processing and digital creation, refine the completion with hand-painting, and finally with moving image projection. hoping to create a unique contemporary ink view and blur the boundary between hand-painted and digital.


Combining Hong Kong photos to blur and geometricize them, and then print them on rice paper with ink, and add white to form the representative landscape of Hong Kong, Victoria Harbour, and then use dynamic projection to change its structure and blur the boundaries. 


Geometricalization represents the transformation and reconstruction of various cultures in a suitable form for Hong Kong, integrating into the existing local multiculturalism, such as Hong Kong's multicultural society, integrating different humanistic elements. The context of society is continuously reorganized to form a new urban landscape. Under the vision of a common city and a common future, with the community as the carrier, explore the establishment of a daily and public  inclusive society "common consciousness”.

  • Art of Ngan 雁堂
  • Art of Ngan 雁堂

© 雁堂 Art Dome

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